Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I have been quite the slacker these days when it comes to blogging. These past 2 months have flown by and I can't believe it's almost 2009. So I am going to do a quick run down of events that have happened and include some pictures.
November 5th was Jake's 31st b-day. We enjoyed a nice STEAK dinner together that night and I got him some really cool NIKE shoes that he loves wearing around.
November 9th-17th we took a trip to Hawaii with my sister Stephanie and her hubby Enoch. I haven't been there since 2002 so it was nice to go back and experience the island life again. Stephanie and Jake had never been so it was fun showing them around. We stayed in a vacation rental that Enoch's brother manages right on the beach - so that was really awesome. We did all the touristy things and then just relaxed most of the time. See my sisters blog to see more of that vacation. She was the designated picture taker and was good about updating our trip there.
On Sat, November 22nd we moved into a house that we are now renting. The night before Jake got the flu and was up all night throwing up. It was awful. But thanks to his dad, mom, brother-in-law, and some wonderful friends we were able to get it all moved over. If you are reading this - THANK YOU so much for helping.
TURKEY DAY we headed up to my dad's house in Idaho and enjoyed way too much good food and the company of my siblings and their families. My dad is an awesome cook. We had prime rib, turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, salads, cheese balls, on and on ... plus all the yummy desserts. Too bad I had a dr. appt that next Monday and gained like 8lbs in a month. Totally worth it though. We also stopped in Logan to spend Sat afternoon and Sunday with Jake's family. Always good times up there.
I am not sure where the month of December went, but it went FAST. I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of the month. I guess I have just been working a lot and unpacking the house and getting ready for the baby.
CHRISTMAS we spent up in Logan with Jake's family. We drove up Christmas Eve and went out to dinner with Jake's parents and just hung out with family that night. Christmas morning was so much fun. We enjoyed watching Jake's nieces open their presents and then had Jake's Cakes aka pancakes and bacon that morning. Later that night - Michele (Jake's mom) set up the fondue sets and we had way too much to eat. It was seriously so YUMMY and I wished I could have eaten more that night but the baby won't let me stuff as much down in my tummy these days as I'd like.
PREGNANCY is going good. I can't wait until she is born though. I am getting rather LARGE and uncomfortable. She is a very active child - especially at night when I am ready to call it a day. It's so amazing to feel this little person inside of me moving around. We are so excited for her arrival. The dr. said I am measuring further along so hopefully she'll come a little earlier :)
Anyways - I hope everyone has been doing well and enjoyed their Christmas Holiday and has the best New Years ever. I'll try to update again soon!!
Here are some pictures from the last couple months:

(not a great pic ... it was a long week ... but there is the belly)