Sunday, July 19, 2009
Don't really have a lot to blog about just wanted to post a couple cute pictures and a video of Bayla. Bayla received a package from Grandma Brown with a cute purple polka dot dress. Bayla insisted on wearing it this Sunday so I had to take a couple shots of her in it. Bayla also got a jumperoo thingy last week and has been enjoying it so I took a video of her in it. She is getting so big so fast. She grabs everything she can get her hands on. We just love her so much and are so happy to be her parents.
Hope everyone is having a great SUMMER!!

3 Nice Comments:
I love Bayla's action video! She is working that jumper. My mom told me about the dress- it's so cute on her. Purple is definitely her color. She is a sweetheart. That hair could be on a Pantene commercial.
Bayla is so cute!!! She is so funny in her little jumper. I can't wait to see her!
OH MY GOSH!! She is the cutest little thing! I LOVE her hair!
Love ya!
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