Thursday, October 29, 2009
Don't have much time to write, but I wanted to post some pictures and video. Bayla is now 8 months old and starting to crawl - Jake is in for a TREAT!! My grandpa Crump passed away on October 16th and we went to his funeral in Idaho on October 24th. It was so good to see all my relatives that I haven't seen in years. It is crazy to me how fast time goes. I know I say that all the time - but seriously - it's already almost NOVEMBER.
Bayla and mommy snuggling on the bed

Like Daddy Like Daughter - love their same expression

Bayla loves her Daddy!!

These pictures are from up at my sister's - we went to a corn maze and Ashlynn's blessing up in Vernal that weekend. Good times with family.

Kelly - Jake's cousin put on a Witches Brew Party and all the girls in the family were invited - You had to wear at least a witches hat - it was so much fun. Here are some photos from that day.

My friend Jodee came down to SLC the beginning of October and here are some pictures of her daughter Brinlee and Bayla hanging out together. Too bad they don't live closer. Bayla was very intrigued with her. Come again soon!!
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