Friday, August 07, 2009
Bayla turned 5 months on 7.24.09
She is rolling all over the place. We never know what position she'll be in next when she is sleeping. It's pretty fun to go peek in and see her rolling around in her sleep. She also likes to pull on the tie on her bumper pad and we found her asleep holding on to it one day. See the picture at the bottom. Bayla also go to go to her first Bee's game. I can't believe how fast time is going by and how much she changes day to day. Here are some photos of her in her 5th month.

4 Nice Comments:
That little pony tail on her head is soooo CUTE!! She's getting so big!
She is really cute Brooke!! I love how happy she looks!!
I can't believe you took her to a Bees game without getting her a hot dog:) She gets prettier and prettier every time you post new pics of her.
I can't believe how fast she is growing up! She is such a beautiful little baby girl! I'm so glad you got to come for a visit! Miss you already!
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