Friday, August 14, 2009
So this is just kind of a random post of Bayla and some fun stuff she has been doing this summer. She is so funny when she sleeps. I love watching her sleep. They are just so peaceful and precious ... well except when she is thrashing around. Bayla always smiles when you go in to get her in the morning or if she catches you peeking through the door at her. But once you pick her up out of the crib you better have a bottle ready or she kind of freaks out. She's been sleeping about 9-10 hours a night - so we're HAPPY!
We went up to Logan a couple weekends ago and I put her in her bathing suit. So stinking CUTE! Grandma Michele filled up the little pool and we put her in her Bumbo in it. She had lots of FUN!
Our pediatrician said to wait until she was almost 6 month before starting her on any foods, but said we could try rice cereal a couple weeks before if we really wanted to. And of course - any 1st time MOM is going to wanna try. She liked it at first it seemed and then was making these disgusting faces - like what are you putting in my mouth. Hopfeully once we get to give her Fruits and Veggies she'll enjoy it more. Check out the video too!

3 Nice Comments:
I swear, she is so stinkin' cute! I need to hold her- those pictures are so cute of her- call me- we need to get together- love ya-
Did you photoshop those eyes? (I know you didn't, but her eyes are so beautiful, especially in the one where she's laying on that towel or blanket.) My favorite little niece... I love her! She's welcome at our house anytime. It makes Emily's day when she visits:)
She is too cute for words! I love the pool pictures, how clever to use the bumbo, wish I would have thought of that back in the day when my child was more immobile. Tyce did the same thing with cereal, he acted like I was feeding him poison. Then once I added applesauce he was a huge fan.
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