Sunday, February 28, 2010
Bayla's 1st birthday party was so much FUN. It was so wonderful to have FAMILY here to CELEBRATE this special day for her. I honestly can't believe a year has gone by already. I am so HAPPY that we brought this beautiful GIRL into the world. She is seriously the light of my life!! She brings me so much joy and happiness (you do too Jake)!!! Bayla totally loved having all the attention at her party. We had a yummy lunch - didn't take pictures of it though. Probably a good thing or I would want to eat some of it right now. Grandma Michele made her delicious chicken salad croissant sandwiches that we love and we had lots of other snacks to enjoy ... OH and don't forget all the CUPCAKES.
THANK YOU to everyone that came and to EVERYONE that got her presents. YOU are all too GOOD to us.
Here are a couple links to some videos I uploaded to YouTube of her party. They were too big to upload on here. It makes me laugh to think I put them on YouTube but it's amazing that we have the ability to share stuff like this so easily. ENJOY and see pictures below!!
Birthday invitations I made

Birthday banner I made (thanks to Steph's Cricut machine)
Me and the birthday GIRL
Bayla sitting by her presents
Cupcakes Steph and I made and decorated
Giant Cupcake Cake I made for Bayla
(it turned out pretty cute and it was actually easy
after I figured out how to melt chocolate)
Bayla playing with her new Train toy from Grandpa and Grandma Gilbert
Bayla taking a bite into a CUPCAKE - she loves SWEETS!
Me and my sister Stephee ... she helped out a ton
Thanks Sister!!
Me and my MAN after some yummy Outback.
We were out to celebrate me and Brandon's 33rd Birthday
Me and my handsome TWIN brother
at our birthday dinner
Debbie and Brandon at dinner
Birthday dinner with Steph and Enoch
Bayla the day after her party just playing with toys and very happy
Me and my 1 year old GIRL ...
Bayla how did you get so big so fast?