Monday, March 23, 2009
Just wanted to post some pictures of Bayla over the last couple weeks. I can't believe how fast time is going by. We are having lots of fun with her. She is such a cutie and a joy to be around.
Our Baby Girl

First time going to Church

6 Nice Comments:
Brooke, she has so much hair..I love it...nice to make awesome fauxhawks. So whts up with all of our babes looking like heir daddy's???? She is adorable!
Cute pictures. this is such an exciting time... enjoy EVERY minute... :) i want to come see her soon! LOVE THE HAIR, Bayla girl! Work it!
She is getting so cute! You look really great in your back to church picture! I can't wait till I can come play with you guys again!
She is soooooo cute! I love all the firsts, it's so fun! Hope I get to meet her soon. I was very jealous when I found out Shane got to meet her! You look great!
How cute is she!!! All those firsts look like so much fun. Hope i see you soon!
She is so adorable!!! I can't get over all her hair and you look awesome! There is no way you just had a baby!
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